Course Credit:
Course credit will be considered only if the following conditions are met:
- Completion of all assigned term work.
- Satisfactory grades in the examinations.
- Meeting the clinical objectives to the satisfaction of the Clinical Supervisors.
- Meeting the academic objectives to the satisfaction of the Instructor.
We expect students to attend all scheduled classes.
Before a passing grade is issued, a student must complete all coursework. Class attendance means that students remain in the class or clinic until the class is over, or unless otherwise excused. Students who frequently leave class early, or are continually late may be subject to academic penalty.
To determine a student’s progress and ability to retain and assimilate course material, we use written, practical and oral examinations. Most courses have at least one examination and may also include a number of shorter quizzes.
It is at the individual Professors discretion whether a student must sit additional tests, examinations, quizzes etc. Course outlines will detail the weight of each assignment and test.
Examination Rewrites:
Students who fail to achieve a passing grade (70% or better in each course) will be considered to have failed the course and will be offered an opportunity for a rewrite.
Rewrites must occur before the beginning of the next academic term, or at a time agreed upon by the Academic Adviser and Professor. If a second failure occurs, the student may be expected to repeat the course or may be expected to complete an appropriate assignment. There will be a $100.00 fee for rewrites.
If a student refuses to sit a rewrite, an automatic repetition of the course is expected. Repeating a course may interfere with taking a full course load in the following term. All prerequisite courses must be completed before progressing onto clinical courses. If a repeated course is failed, the Professor and Academic Advisers will deal with these cases.
If you believe there has been a miscarriage of justice, either through procedural error or discriminatory marking, then you may appeal your grade. Simply disliking the instructor’s marking scheme is not a legitimate grade grievance. Your grade may fall just below the instructor’s cut-off for a higher grade; you cannot grieve this if your instructor clearly outlined how term marks are converted to grades.
Given that life offers many unpredictable circumstances, we understand that students, may need additional time to complete assignments or courses.
If a Professor deems it appropriate, he/she may make a recommendation to the Academic Adviser that a particular student be given a designation of incomplete. Students will have an additional 60 days (or a time period deemed appropriate by the Professor and Academic Adviser) to satisfy the conditions of the course or will receive a failure for the course.
Missed Examinations:
If a student is unable to sit an exam during the exam period, and notifies the Professor prior to the exam, it is at the discretion of the Academic Adviser and/or Professor, whether and/or when a rescheduling of the exam will be made (Final Exams can only be written prior to the official exam date). Fees may apply.
Unscheduled absences will be accepted with appropriate documentation supporting an extenuating health condition or other circumstances, at the Academic Adviser’s discretion.
A student may withdraw from a course anytime during the first 10% of the course provided they do so in writing. Notice must be made to the Registrar and the withdrawal will be noted on the student’s official transcript.
Students may apply for an academic leave of absence from the program if a written notice specifying the return date is made in writing to the Registrar. Each request will be individually assessed and students will be advised of the academic and financial implications.
Academic probation is a condition where students must improve a situation, behaviours, or standing that led to their probation. Written notification will be given to the probationer as to the nature of their probation, the terms of the probation and the consequences of no-compliance with those terms.
An evaluation will ensue to determine the status of the probation. Upon successfully meeting the terms, the probation will be lifted.
Students may be placed on probation for a number of reasons including the following:
- Grades: below average academic/clinical performance.
- Attendance: less than 90% attendance, unless otherwise excused.
- Behaviour: disruptive and/or unprofessional behaviours.
- Finances: failure to meet financial obligations.
- Professional/Academic: misconduct/dishonesty.
Failure to satisfy the conditions of their probation may result in academic suspension of one or more academic terms, or academic dismissal. An Academic Adviser, the Registrar and President will review the suspension and/or dismissal case of the student.
Only students who have completed all the required courses, practical components, and have met all financial obligations may apply for graduation.