Integrative Western Medicine Diagnosis – WMDX 3101 (60 Hours)
Western Medicine Diagnosis is to familiarise Acupuncture and TCM practitioners with Western Medicine diagnosis. This course is still approached with a TCM perspective to view western medicine diagnosis and general treatment disease.
Relate biomedical diagnostic and treatment approaches to TCM practice:
Diagnosis and treatment methods
- Identify the purpose of commonly used laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures.
- Identify abnormal findings in the results of laboratory tests, examinations and diagnostic imaging.
- Relate abnormal findings to common diseases.
- Identify typical medical and surgical treatments for common diseases.
- Identify the underlying principles of biomedical diagnostic and treatment approaches.
Measure vital signs
- Describe the significance of the vital signs.
- Measure vital signs.
- Identify abnormal vital signs.
Conduct relevant non-invasive physical examination
- Describe the techniques and equipment used in physical examinations.
- Describe the diagnostic significance of physical examinations.
- Perform relevant physical examinations.
- Perform examinations in a manner that minimizes patient distress, embarrassment, and risk of injury.
Relate biomedical information concerning patient’s condition and treatment to TCM state of health
- Describe the relationship between biomedical diagnosis and TCM diagnosis.
- Relate the actions of acupuncture to general biomedical concepts.
- Relate the actions of herbal treatment to general biomedical concepts.
- Identify the signs and symptoms, therapeutic effects and adverse effects of common biomedical treatments.