Business and Management – BMGN 3201 (60 hours)
This course covers the practical aspects of setting up a medical practice including clinic maintenance, office management, marketing and creation of a business plan. Included is the study of laws and current issues concerning the practice of acupuncture in this country, specifically in Ontario. Business structures include organizational structure and practice. Management principles, marketing strategies, accounting basics and human resource management will be considered as they apply to both the private and public sectors.
Utilize effective business strategies.
Ensure sound financial management.
1 Develop a sustainable business plan.
2 Explain the importance of complete and accurate business record keeping.
3 Describe required statutory filings.
4 Describe requirements for preservation of business records.
5 Describe approaches to monitor business performance.
6 Explain the importance of professional liability and malpractice insurance.
Employ ethical business practices.
1 Communicate fee and payment policies to patient in advance.
2 Describe ethical billing practices.
3 Describe ethical advertising practices.
Establish office procedures and supervise staff accordingly.
1 Identify activities that require standardized procedures.
2 Develop clear procedural directions.
3 Demonstrate basic principles of good supervision.
4 Describe requirements for mandatory working conditions for staff.